ACNFP Register of Interests

Professor Huw Jones - Register of Interests

Last updated: 20 December 2024


Personal Interests

Direct employment.

Aberystwyth University (2016-present).

Consultancies and other fee-paid work.

As external examiner of the university PhD viva process, I have sometimes received a small honorarium in addition to travel and accommodation costs from the university hosting the examination (in the last 5 years I have been external examiner for six PhD examinations in UK and abroad),

I have received small payments of royalties from publishers for academic books written or edited.



Clubs, other organisations and advocacy groups.

Member of Royal Soc Biology 2002 - current,

Member of the EPSO Plants for the Future. Gene editing working group 2019 – current,

Member of the Plants for the Future, European Technology Platform. 2020 – current.

Other personal interests.

I am occasionally invited to attend research conferences or other meetings where the travel and accommodation (if applicable) are paid for by the host organisations

Non Personal


Fellow of Royal Society Biology (2002-present).

Indirect support.

Member of the IBERS Aberystwyth University research team in receipt of a BBSRC Core Strategic Programme Grant -current,

A supervisor for a EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Fellowship. 2024- current,

An academic supervisor for a FoodBioSystems DTP that also has in-kind support from Elsoms Seeds. 2024 – current,

An academic supervisor for a FoodBioSystems DTP that also has in-kind support from Cupid Peptide Company Ltd. 2024 – current.



Land and property.


Other public appointments.

Defra committee ACRE (Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment).

Other non-personal interests.


Historic interests

Personal Interests

Direct employment.

Rothamsted Research (1998-2016).

Consultancies and other fee-paid work.

BBSRC grant review panels 2000 – 2022,

Expert, GMO panel, European Food Safety Authority 2009 – 2018,

Honorary Professor, School of Biosciences, Nottingham University 2009 - 2018.



Clubs, other organisations and advocacy groups.

Chair, UK Plant Sciences Federation Working Group on Regulatory Frameworks (2014-2015),

Monogram Steering Committee (2011-2015).

Other personal interests.


Non Personal


Honorary researcher, Rothamsted Research UK (2016-2019),

Honorary Professor, School of Biosciences, Nottingham University 2009 – 2018,

Scientific Advisory Board Member China-UK, Huazhong University Science & Technology, Wuhan Joint Research Lab, 2001 – 2009.

Indirect support.

BBSRC/ FSA. ‘Using citizen science to explore plant breeding and investigate food-chain transparency for novel breeding methods’: BB/W009013/1 (2022-2022),

An academic supervisor for a Aberystwyth University/Syngenta PhD studentship, using molecular genetics to design sentinel plants for detecting biotic stress. 2017-2024,

UK representative of an EU COST Action PlantEd Genome editing in plants - a technology with transformative potential 2019- 2022,

UK representative, working group and management committee member of an EU COST Action iPlanta CA15223. Modifying plants to produce interfering RNA 2017-2020,

UK representative, working group and management committee member of an EU COST Action iPlanta CA15223. Modifying plants to produce interfering RNA 2017-2020,

Research funding for a Newton Bhabha Fellowship, IBERS, May – Sept 2019,

Research funding for a Newton Bhabha Fellowship, IBERS, Dec 2020 – March 2021,

Research project: Smart Labels for GMO foods. Aberystwyth University Transforming Social Science Fund. £1K Jan 2017,

Rothamsted Research was in receipt of funding from BBSRC Tools and Resources Development Fund BB/L017768/1. 2014- 2016. HD Jones & K Edwards. Development of specific TALENs for precision engineering in wheat.



Land and property.


Other public appointments.


Other non-personal interests.
