
Barley Rice Protein Discussion Paper

Last updated: 15 November 2022

Committee Paper for Discussion - ACNFP/154/01

Advisory Committee for Novel Foods and Processes 

Application for Authorisation of Barley Rice Protein as a Novel Food.

Application number RP19 


The Committee reviewed this application for the first time at the April 2021 meeting, and again in September 2021, January 2022 and June 2022. No further information on which to base the ACNFP’s assessment was sought at the last meeting and guidance was provided on how to prepare the draft opinion. Members are now invited to consider the draft opinion and if they are content to recommend approval of Barley Rice protein.


1. On the 9 January 2021, the FSA received a dossier from Evergrain for authorisation of barley rice protein, a mixture of protein from barley at levels of 0-100% and rice at levels of 0-60%. The applicant intends to market the product within the food categories: bakery products, breakfast cereals, spreadable fats and dressings, grain products and pastas, snack foods, jam, marmalade and other fruit spreads, candy/confectionery, dairy and dairy imitates, dessert sauces and syrups, meat imitates, soups and soup mixes, savoury sauces, legume-based spreads, nut-based spreads, energy drinks, foods and beverages intended for sportsmen and meal replacements for weight control.

2. The Committee reviewed this application for the fourth time at the 154th ACNFP meeting of June 2022. The Committee identified no further areas where additional information was required and requested the FSA to formulate a draft opinion for their consideration prior to the next meeting.

3. A draft opinion has been prepared and is provided in Annex A. Committee Action Required

  • The Committee is asked, whether it is content to recommend approval of Barley Rice Protein produced by Evergrain. A draft opinion is provided for consideration at Annex A.

ACNFP Secretariat August 2022


Annex A - A draft opinion for consideration