
153rd Meeting of the ACNFP 8th June 2022 Agenda

153rd Meeting of the ACNFP 8th June 2022 Agenda

Last updated: 18 May 2022


Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes

The 153rd meeting of the ACNFP will be held at 10:30am on the 8th of June 2022, on Microsoft Teams (online & dial in) as we ease out of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Members are reminded of the need to announce any commercial interests in the business of the Committee prior to the discussions on each item.

In accordance with agreed procedures, the Secretariat is duty bound to keep a record of the names of Members who have declared interests at meetings of the Committee, giving dates, names of relevant products and companies, details of the interest declared, and whether the Member took part in the proceedings.

ACNFP Secretariat

May 2022

153rd Meeting of the ACNFP - 8th June 2022 Agenda

1. Apologies and Announcements

2. Welcome    

3. 152nd Meeting Minutes

4. Matters Arising

5. Tetradenia riparia RP1500 - the Committee will review and provide advice to the FSA on a traditional novel food from a third country. ACNFP/153/01

6. Calcidiol RP35 - the Committee will consider further information provided by the applicant. ACNFP/153/02

7. Mung Bean Protein RP32the Committee will consider further information provided by the applicant. ACNFP/153/03

8. Barley Rice Protein RP19 the Committee will review  further information from the applicant and a draft conclusion to the risk assessment. ACNFP/153/04

9. Cetylated Fatty Acids RP200the Committee will review  further information from the applicant and a draft conclusion to the risk assessment. ACNFP/153/05

10. Approach to opinions for novel foods under assessment in the UKthe Committee will explore the principles to developing opinions under the UK assessment regime. ACNFP/153/06

11. Lacto-N-fucopentaose I (LNFP-I) and 2'-fucosyllactose (2' FL) mixture (LNFP-I/2'-FL) RP549 - the Committee will review a new dossier for the first time. ACNFP/153/07

12. 3-Fucosyllactose RP1202the Committee will review a new dossier for the first time. ACNFP/153/08

13. Annual reportthe Committee will review the annual report to ensure that it is accurate and reflects the work of the Committee in 2021. ACNFP/153/09

14. Introduction to the work on net zero by the Science Council - the committee will receive and update from a member of the science council on this work programme and the interactions with the Committee’s work. ACNFP/153/10

15. Items for Information

    15.1 Update from Novel Foods Policy Team

    15.2 Update from GM Policy Team

    15.3 SACS update

16. AOB

Date of next meeting – 7th September 2022