151st Meeting of the ACNFP 2nd February 2022 Agenda
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Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes
The 151st meeting of the ACNFP will be held at 9:30am on the 2nd February 2022 on Microsoft Teams (online & dial in) due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Members are reminded of the need to announce any commercial interests in the business of the Committee prior to the discussions on each item.
In accordance with agreed procedures, the Secretariat is duty bound to keep a record of the names of Members who have declared interests at meetings of the Committee, giving dates, names of relevant products and companies, details of the interest declared, and whether the Member took part in the proceedings.
1. Apologies and Announcements
2. Welcome - Introduce ACNFP members, observers and assessors.
3. Minutes
4. Matters Arising
5. Barley Rice Protein RP19– the Committee will consider further information provided by the applicant.
6. Items for Information
6.1 Update from Novel Foods Policy team
6.2 Update from GM Policy Team
7. Items for Information
7.1 SACS update
8. AOB
9. Cannabidiol (CBD) RP70 – The Committee will consider a new application under the novel food regulations for a CBD ingredient produced by chemical synthesis.
10. Cannabidiol (CBD) RP85 – The Committee will consider a new application under the novel food regulation for an extract of cannabis sativa containing CBD.
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 30th March 2022