Member profile

Dr Cathrina (‘Cat’) Edwards

Last updated: 08 April 2024


Dr Cathrina Edwards leads a research group within the Food, Microbiome and Health programme at Quadram Institute Bioscience in Norwich, UK. Her research group uses various in vitro digestion models to study the rate, extent and site of release of nutrients from foods during gastro-intestinal transit, and undertake human studies to assess the metabolic consequences. Current research activities are focussed on understanding the mechanisms limiting bioaccessibility of starch and protein from pulses. The group are also working with the food industry that develop alternative processing methods to optimise the nutritional value of pulses and other crops.

Cathrina has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from King’s College London 2010-2014 and has held various postdoc positions (at King’s College London) and a Career Progression Fellowship (at the Institute of Food Research), Norwich, before securing her current Career Track Group Leader position in Dec 2017.

Cathrina has pioneered the development of a novel food ingredient, PulseON® (Pulseon Foods Ltd.), and continues to be passionate about translational and impactful research.

Register of interests

In line with FSA policy and established good practice for accessing external expertise, Scientific Advisory Committee members are required to declare any personal or non-personal interests which represent a real or potential conflict in respect of general or specific aspects of work undertaken. Interests will be managed in accordance with the FSA’s policy and guidance. 

If members have interests not specified in these notes, but which they believe could be regarded as influencing their advice or other work for FSA, they should declare them. However, members are not under any obligation to search out interests of which they might reasonably not be aware. For example, either through being unaware of all the interests of family members, or of not being aware of links between one company and another. 


Personal Interests

Category of Interest

Organisation / Body and Nature of Interest 

Direct employment

Quadram Institute Bioscience.

Consultancies and other fee-paid work

QIB Extra.

Clubs and other organisations

PulseOn Foods Ltd.

Non-Personal interests

Category of Interest

Organisation / Body and Nature of Interest 

Indirect financial or non-financial support from relevant organisations

Grants: Research funding from private and public sector.