
17th Meeting of the ACNFP_PGT 11th December 2024 Agenda

Last updated: 19 February 2025


Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes - Subcommittee on Products of Genetic Technologies Destined for Food and Feed Purposes.

The 17th meeting of the ACNFP-PGT will be held at 9:30 am on the 11th of December on Microsoft Teams (online & dial in); it is expected to end at 16:00 pm.

Members are reminded of the need to announce any commercial interests in the business of the Committee prior to the discussions on each item.

In accordance with agreed procedures, the Secretariat is duty bound to keep a record of the names of Members who have declared interests at meetings of the Committee, giving dates, names of relevant products and companies, details of the interest declared, and whether the Member took part in the proceedings.

ACNFP Secretariat

November 2024   

17th Meeting of the ACNFP_PGT - 11th December 2024 Agenda

1. Apologies and Announcements

2. Welcome    

3. Matters Arising

4. Minutes of PGT16the Subcommittee will review the content of the minutes from their last meeting. ACNFP-PGT/16/Min

5. Genetically modified Canola LBFLFK (EPA + DHA) (RP2065) (reserved business) – the Subcommittee will review and provide advice to the FSA on the draft safety assessment outcome for a new GMO for use in food and feed. ACNFP-PGT/17/01

6. Genetically modified Canola NS-B5ØØ27-4 (RP1745) (reserved business) – the Subcommittee will review and provide advice to the FSA on the draft safety assessment outcome for a new GMO for use in food and feed. ACNFP-PGT/17/02

7.  Genetically modified Maize Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x MON 89034 x 5307 x GA21 (RP2044) (reserved business) the Subcommittee will review and provide advice to the FSA on the draft safety assessment outcome for a new GMO for use in food and feed. ACNFP-PGT/17/03

8. Genetically modified Oilseed Rape MS11 x RF3 x MON 88302 (RP2029) (reserved business) the Subcommittee will review and provide advice to the FSA on the draft safety assessment outcome for a new GMO for use in food and feedACNFP-PGT/17/04

9.  Discussion on GM applications (reserved business) – the Subcommittee will discuss the expertise needed for the safety assessment of a GM applicationACNFP-PGT/17/05

10. FSA update.

11. ACRE / Defra update – Update from the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment.

12. Item for Information Update from Genetic Technology Policy Team.

13. AOB

Dates of next meetings ACNFP170 meeting 05th and 06th February 2025 (in person); ACNFP-PGT18 meeting 04th March 2025 (virtual)