
168th ACNFP Meeting

Last updated: 28 January 2025

The 168th meeting of the ACNFP will be held on Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th of September 2024. Further details to follow.

Executive Summary

  • GM application RP307- A Committee Advice Document (CAD) from the PGT Subcommittee was reviewed. The members agreed the CAD subject to amendments to be cleared by Chair’s action.
  • Krill Protein RP1290 – The Committee reviewed the further data provided by the applicant. They however requested further clarification on production process, specification and allergenicity. The members also reviewed the CAD for this application.  The Secretariat was advised to circulate the revised CAD to members to be cleared by correspondence.
  • Dried Miracle Berry (DMB®) RP1351 - The Committee reviewed further information on production process, composition and specification. A Committee Advice Document was also reviewed. The CAD will be circulated to members to be cleared by correspondence.
  • Esterified Propoxylated Glycerol RP1363- The Committee reviewed this novel food manufactured from propoxylated glycerol and fatty acids for the first time. The discussion identified various areas that required further information to complete the assessment. The Secretariat was advised to seek further information from the applicant.
  • Dry Cacaofruit Cascara RP1484 - The Committee reviewed this novel food for the first time. The discussion identified data gaps on production process and composition that required further information to complete the assessment.  The Secretariat was advised to seek further information from the applicant.
  • Alternative and Cell Cultivated Proteins Subcommittee - The Committee reviewed the proposal to establish a Subcommittee of the ACNFP to consider cell cultivated proteins and alternative proteins. The formation of the Subcommittee was agreed. The terms of reference and the proposal for an open session of the Committee to prioritise topics for the subcommittee’s review will be developed for consideration at the next meeting.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) RP793 (Reserved business) – The Committee’s advice was sought on the handling of applications which sought a higher use level for CBD than the provisional ADI, of which RP793 was an example. Following discussions, the Secretariat was advised to update the CAD for clearance by Chair’s action.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) applications from British Cannabis - The Committee reviewed a new application for Cannabidiol (CBD) Isolate as outlined in applications RP220, 245-256, 324-325 from British Cannabis for the first time. The novel ingredient is proposed by the applicant for use in food supplements. Committee advice was received whether the data submitted to support the review of the novel food was applicable and the impact on the assessment. Secretariat to explore the way forward to progress this application. The Secretariat will refine the CAD appropriately after discussions with the applicant, to be cleared by Chair’s action.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) RP349 – The Committee reviewed application RP349 for isolated cannabidiol for the first time. The CAD was considered, and amendments were suggested following which, the document will be cleared by Chair’s action.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) RP176 - The Committee reviewed a new application for Cannabidiol (CBD) Isolate for the first time. The Secretariat was advised to seek clarification from the CBD Subgroup on data related to toxicology studies. The CAD will be further reviewed by the ACNFP members before finalisation.
  • Draft statement on Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as a contaminant in food - The Committee were provided with an introduction to the draft statement on THC as a contaminant being developed by the joint ACNFP/ COT Subgroup. The draft once finalised will be agreed by both the ACNFP and COT.


168th Meeting of the ACNFP Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th of September 2024 Agenda. 


Minutes of the 168th Meeting held on the 17th and 18th of September 2024

Meeting Papers

Krill Protein

Dried Miracle Berry (DMB®)

Esterified Propoxylated Glycerol

Dry Cacaofruit Cascara